How do we collect your data?

Your personal data (“Data”) are valuable assets that must be preserved. That’s why you need to know exactly how they can be used. We created this Privacy Policy (“Policy”) for this very reason.

Through your navigation on our sites

We collect Data when you access our sites, conduct searches, participate in promotions, online events, fill out forms, such as when sending comments, requesting services, or joining email lists.

We also collect your Data when you access our sites through your computer, mobile phone, smart TV, and/or other access devices. The collected data includes your approximate location (latitude and longitude); your IP address; information about your access device (such as the unit identifier, advertising identifier, name, and type of operating system); your internet connection information; type of your browser and the pages and content you access.

Using cookies

Cookies are used to observe visit habits. They allow us to remember your preferences, deliver ads, and analyze audiences.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files sent to and stored on your computer. These small files are used to recognize, track, and store your Internet navigation as a user.

Why do we use cookies?

The use of cookies to track and store information enables us to offer a more personalized service, according to users’ characteristics and interests, allowing, even, the delivery of specific content and advertising to each person, enhancing the user experience.

In general, cookies are used to:

Provide differentiated services, remembering who you are and your navigation habits;

Calculate audience size;

Measure certain navigation patterns, mapping which areas you have visited and your overall visit habits. We use this information to check our users’ navigation routines and thus offer increasingly personalized content and/or services;

Facilitate and speed up form filling. The information contained in each user’s cookies can be used to pre-fill existing data collection forms.

Cookie categories

Strictly necessary

Needed for the website to function. They allow you to navigate our sites and use the features (for example, security cookies to authenticate users, prevent fraudulent use of login credentials, and protect user data from unauthorized third parties).


These cookies typically collect information anonymously and determine information such as the number of visitors to a page, how visitors arrived at the site, and the pages accessed.


Cookies in this category allow Meitech to remember information about the user’s behavior and preferences, such as the chosen language.

Losing the information stored in a preference cookie can make the website experience less functional but does not prevent it from working.

Advertising and targeting

Meitech uses some cookies for advertising purposes. This is done to deliver ads and conduct advertising campaigns according to a specific audience. Through these, it’s possible to deliver ads according to your consumption profile on the site.

Use of third-party cookies

Technology service providers may use their own cookies on the Sites, with our authorization, to provide services. Such cookies will collect your Data on our properties for the purposes set out in our Privacy Policy.

How to change or block cookies

Most browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. However, you can change the settings to block cookies or alert you when a cookie is being sent to your device.

There are various ways to manage cookies, allowing for a general block of cookies, blocking cookies from a specific site, and even blocking third-party cookies in relation to a site. Blocking all cookies will affect your experience, as it will not be possible to identify your preferences and recommend relevant content and advertising.

Consult your browser’s instructions to learn more about adjusting or changing your settings, remembering that the desired setting must be replicated on all devices used to access the Sites (such as computers, smartphones, tablets). If you wish, consult the links below to change cookie settings in major browsers:

Cookie settings in Chrome™

Cookie settings in Firefox®

Cookie settings in Explorer®

Cookie settings in Safari®

Can I revoke my consent?

If you have not changed your browser settings, you consent to the use of cookies by accessing our Sites. We will store a cookie on your computer or device to remember you on your next visit. Our cookies have an expiration date, but it is reset with each visit to our website. If you wish to revoke your consent at any time, you must change your browser settings.

What if I want to request or delete my data? E se eu quiser apagar meus dados ? 

You can request your Data at any time. You have the right to receive them in a simplified format.

You can also request the deletion of your Data. Within 180 days, we will permanently delete them.

After deletion, Meitech may retain your Data only (a) for the time necessary for judicial, administrative, and arbitration proceedings; (b) to comply with legal and/or regulatory obligations; (c) for the regular exercise of rights, such as enforcing Meitech’s rights based on the service contract and/or applicable Terms of Use; or (d) in an anonymized format.

You can contact us through our phone number 47 3270-3800.

How do we use your Data?

We use your Data to:

Communicate with you

We collect your Data to improve our services, products, respond when you contact us, and to keep you informed about relevant matters.

– Respond when you contact, according to the relationship established with you;
– Conduct surveys and research with the aim of testing, solving problems, improving, or evaluating our Services and Products;
– Communicate about events, promotions, and/or announcements, on your email account, by text message, messaging app, and phone call (including telemarketing);
– Inform about changes in our terms, services, or policies (including this Policy); and
– Offer new Services to you, through your email account, by text message, messaging app, and phone call (including telemarketing);


Personalize your experience

Your Data help us create a more personalized experience, selecting content and advertisements according to your interests.

– Select and personalize ads for you, within or outside our Site;
– Customize the content and advertising we show on our Site;
– Make inferences about content and topics that may be of interest to you; and

Identify and recommend Meitech content, products, and services that may be of interest to you.


Fulfill our legal and regulatory obligations

Your Data may be necessary for us to comply with legal and regulatory determinations and measures, whether judicial or administrative.


– Comply with legal, judicial, and administrative determinations and orders from competent authorities; and
– Take or provoke legal, judicial, and administrative measures to defend our rights, including in any judicial or administrative process.


Who do we share your Data with?

We may share your Data with third parties, following our security and confidentiality standards.


Third parties

Your Data may be shared with the categories of third parties (below) always in accordance with this Policy, applicable legislation, for the purposes established below.


Marketing automation platforms

To store your Data and automate the process of sending email marketing, SMS, and telemarketing. In these circumstances, your Data will be stored and processed on third-party platforms, which may be located in Brazil or abroad.


Marketing Service Providers

To offer relevant advertisement to your profile, email marketing, telemarketing, SMS, we rely on third-party services.


Government Authorities

To (i) comply with legal, judicial, and administrative determinations and also comply with orders from competent authorities and (ii) take or provoke legal, judicial, and administrative measures to defend our rights as outlined in this Policy, including in any judicial or administrative process. Government Authorities are understood to be police authorities, public entities, and/or other governmental organizations.


Business Partners / Parceiros de negócios 

To (i) enhance our Services; (ii) expand our business; (iii) develop new businesses.


How do we protect your Data? / Como protegemos o seus dados 

In addition to processing the Data in accordance with this Policy, we also collect and process your data in an anonymized form, i.e., in a way that you are not personally identified.

We adopt practices aligned with market technical and regulatory standards for data security and privacy, with comprehensive actions in technology and organizational processes.

Our measures to preserve your Data against unauthorized access, use, alteration, disclosure, or destruction include physical and logical protection of assets, encrypted communications, management of access, adherence to secure software development, and internal compliance policies.

All these controls are continuously reviewed to keep up with and react to the threat context on the Internet. Nonetheless, it’s not possible to guarantee that our Services are completely inviolable. But rest assured: we have teams prepared to detect and promptly respond in the event of any incident or event compromising the security of your Data or our Services.


Changes to the Policy and contact

We are always improving our Privacy Policy, and changes will be reflected on these pages. So, before using one of our Services, take a look at them. You will always be notified of any changes, whether through a notice on our Sites, by sending an email, SMS, or through other means.

When we publish changes, we will update the date the last change was made (May 08, 2024).

Remember: By continuing to access the Services after such changes take effect, you agree to be bound by the new version of the Policy.

If you have any questions or inquiries about our Policies or the processing of your Data, please contact us through our phone number 47 3270-3800.